The Yellow Jacket
VOLUME 1                              LANEVILLE, TEXAS MAY, 1936                         NUMBER 6
The Staff
Editor ........................ Elsibeth Gallaway
Assistant Editor ............. Elizabeth Bradbury
Business Manager ..................... Bates Mays
Assistant Business Manager ....... Johnson Walker
Advertising Manager .......... Homer Lee Bradbury
Assistant Advertising Manager .. Clara Woolverton
Circulation Manager ............. Joe Frank Bryan
Assistant Circulation Manager ..... Charles Haney
Subscription Manager ............ Frances Buckner
Assistant Subscription Manager ..... Ned Williams
Humor ............................. W. A. Sprague
Athletic Reporters Fred Holleman, Douglas Johnson
News Reporters .... Francis Irwin and Louise Lowe
Senior Reporter ................... Margie Postom
Junior Reporter ................... Della Johnson
Sophomore Reporter ............. Mary Berna Blair
Freshman Reporter .................. Selwin Jones



   The  celebration of the  birthday of Texas will be one of the greatest and  most attractive things of the world. We, especially, should have the Cen- tennial spirit for we are TEXANS.
   We should learn, if we do not already know, all the  historical  and  interesting incidents in the growth  of Texas.  Texas is  one of  the most out- standing states of the union, and  the inhabitants of other states have watched her splendid growth.
   Every  inhabitant  of  Texas  should be looking forward to the Centennial with pride and anticipa- tion.  This birthday  will be a thing to be remem- bered and  cherished by true Texans.  As we review the  growth of  Texas and what  she stands for, we should resolve to ever protect, love, and honor our Lone Star State.
   You cannot have power for good  without  having power for evil, too.
   Miss  Lucy  Rettig gave her music recital April 24, at Mt. Enterprise.

   Laneville  P.-T. A. will meet May 14. Miss Nell Ayres,  County Health Nurse,  will  be here to ex- amine  the  children  who are to start school next year. Miss Cochrane's room  will  be  in charge of the program.

   Miss Thomas'  mother  has  undergone  an opera- tion  in  Nacogdoches  and is reported to be doing nicely.

   Frances  Irwin,  who  has  not  been  attending school on account of illness, is much better.

   Jim  Whitley has been  confined  to his home on account of illness, but is said to be improving.

   Gilford  Vaughn  has not  been in school on ac- count of illness.

   Mrs. Morris  gave  her musical  recital  at the Laneville Methodist Church, May 1, 1963.

   There  will  be  an  amateur  program  at Good- springs, May 8, 1936.

   Miss Josephine Gallaway  of  Carlisle spent the week-end with her parents.

   Mrs. Frank Johnson  was given a surprise birth-day  dinner April 26,  at  her  home.  Friends and relatives were present and  everyone  had  a  nice time.

   The Laneville  Rhythm  Band played at McKnight, March 31,  in a joint  program  with Mrs. Watson's unit program.  The band also rendered a program at Bethel, Easter Sunday morning.  Both programs were accompanied by many Laneville citizens.  A special program  will be  given  at the  Baptist Church on Mother's Day.

   The McKnight  Sunday  School  was  re-organized Sunday.  The outlook for the future is very favor- able.

   We are proud that  Mr. Norman has completed his new house and is now living in it.

   Blanch  Johnson  from  Kilgore  spent the week- end at home.

   Dr. Morris of Tennessee visited his mother this past week-end.

   Dennard Rives from N. T. A. C. was at home this week-end.

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